
Writer's Block

hurmm I only wrote one post in this blog hahaha and that is already like 3 months ago lalala...I guess it is even harder to maintain a personal blog, it's either there's nothing to write or too many things to write about which either way causes writer's block ahaks XD...

I'm so impress and envious of people who can update their blog everyday and still keep their post interesting for their reader to "dwell" on...hihi this blog does not have a reader because there's no post for anyone to read muahaha...even if there is a lot of post I don't think I'm myself interested anyway with my boring life XDDD...

Unlike my business blog Tepak-Sireh.com that I've establish for like 2 years plus now which already made it to the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing with my target keyword of "Gubahan Hantaran" the monetary motivation keeps me going for at least updating the blog once a week (haha if Nuffnang gives me ads under Buffered Earning for a particular week you will see at least 3 updates kekeke owh well that is needed to keep the traffic higher than the usual 200 or 300) each blog update will usually increase my traffic by at least 100 unique per day and that is all thanks to loyal followers in our Facebook.com/tepak.sireh Fanpage...I'm such a lazy arse I synchronize my blog update with our fanpage using Networkedblogs application. That way everytime I update the blog, the excerpt inclusive of the backlink to my blog will be shown so all the followers will know about the update right from their facebook wall.

And yeay!!! Feel so great today our follower on facebook.com/tepak.sireh have reached the 1000 fan mark!!! Achieved within 6 months (I know some of you will say that so slow uhuks well that's because I'm not some hot shot celebrity and I'm such a cheapskate to put up a commercial for my business XD). Okay now 1000 is achieved, I think I need to work harder to keep them loyal and not click on the Unlike button so quickly then hahaha...but these few days I am so lazzzZZZzzzy...always wanna sleep...my favorite past time is well sleeping of course and that I guess surely explain a lot why my cheek is so chubby hahaha...I'm "dreaming" about writing e-books but I guess that dream is gonna take a long time and a lot of  beauty sleep to be materialize hahaha...

or most probably I just need to get my caffeine fix...have not drink coffee for the last 2 days...last week I drink it twice a day to keep me awake...haha without it this week really makes me become sluggish and easily irritated XD...huwaaa I'm totally addicted now...

1 comment:

  1. coffee addict.. hish.. you've gotta learn to control it. Otherwise you may be totally dependent on it to function later.


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