
Good Things Come in Small Packages

I'm creating this blog just to kill the time haha...good things come in small packages so the entry of each post inside this blog will be written in brief and compact style of writing XD...I will try my best to write this blog fully in English so I can polish my dusty-rusty-broken English uhuks...this is just a personal blog about things that happen around me that I am not able to stuffed inside my business blog Tepak-Sireh.com ... it' basically a leisure blog and not every entry need to relate to wedding stuff haha so I don't need to crack my head so hard here ^_^

And it so happen the same day that I created this blog 13 April 2010, rain pours heavily and causes "indoor flood" where my shop resides uhuks...here's the live footage of the "tragedy"
everyone is so busy...me...busy too...muahahaha taking picture(s), only....

hurmmm how I wish I can just work from home...fully online business + blogging + travelling around the world only and money keep flooding into my bank account *roflmao...instead of water flooding into the shop uhuks...this is the first time it happens and hope if it ever happen again next time in the future my shop contract with TJ Mart already expire and I won't be part of the tragedy...bye2 TJ Mart!!! So long farewell...it's time to say goodbye \O/ ...
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